Sunday August 25th
Writtle University College, Main Campus
Lordship Road, Writtle, Essex, CM1 3RR
Saturday May 25th, 13:30 – 16:00 at
Writtle University College, Main Campus
Lordship Road, Writtle, Essex, CM1 3RR
Exhibition and garden varieties of dahlias
Basket and bedding plants
Vegeatble plants
Contact Paul 07498190026
The below tubers are for sale at £3.00 each and can be collected from Maldon or Chelmsford.
Please contact Paul 07498190026.
G-Giant MD-Medium Decorative MSC-Medium Semi Cactus MD-Miniature Decorative
MB-Miniature Ball MC/Miniature Cactus WL- Water Lily SD -Small Decorative
John Hill-G Weston Pirate-MC
Louis White-G Rycroft Pixie-MC
Sir Alf Ramsey-G Josudi Hercules-MC
Bryn Terfel-G Pam Howden-WL
Hamari Gold-G Holly Hill Serenity-WL
Janal Amy-G White Ballerina-WL
Kenora Valentine-G/L Taratahi Ruby-WL
Kenora Challenger-L Tracy Diane-SD
Corson Gold-L Winholme Diane-SD
Westerton Harry-MD Ruskin Diane-SD
Hillcrest Candy-MSC Cream Diane-SD
White Vals Candy-MSC Blyton Softer Gleam-SB
Grenidor Pastel-MSC Rycroft Bella-SB
Eastwood Essex-MSC Westerton Pearl-SB
Cleo Lane-MSC Aurwens Violet-Pom
Rycroft Helen-MSC Moorplace-Pom
Blyton Golden Girl-Min D Minley Carol-Pom
Twilight Boy-Min -U Lesleys Willow-Pom
Blyton Red Ace-Min-U Irish Glow-Pom
Polventon Kristobel-MD Mayas Rhonda-Pom
Rycroft Laura-MB Pink Carol-Pom
Marys Jomanda-MB Winkie Lambrusco-Pom
Oakwood Goldcrest-SSC
Greenway Zoe-SSC
Rycroft Zoe-SSC
Trelyn Kiwi-SC
Kiwi Gloria-SC
A big thank you to everybody who contributed to the huge success of our plant sales, both directly and via Facebook. These sales provide a significant boost to Essex Dahlia Society’s funds, and go a long way to keeping our club running for the future. We raised a most impressive total of £1,284.
We could not have achieved this without the time and guidance of committee members Alan Taylor, John Cullen, Chris Whiting and Paul Schramm, to whom we extend a huge vote of thanks.
We would also like to record our sincere appreciation of non-committee members David Gillam, Dave Spencer and Matthew Oliver Their contributions of plants for the sale made a great difference – thank you.
Our AGM will follow the Late Mini Show on the 16th of September.
Welcome to the Essex Dahlia Society website which is for the benefit of Society members and anybody interested in growing dahlias. The Society hopes that you will find the site of use.
If you would like to become a member of the Society please go to the Membership page for details. Following our forthcoming AGM, Committee and contact details will be posted. As well as the information available we hope you will enjoy looking at some of the photographs in the gallery.
With very best wishes for your dahlia year.