
Report of the Inaugural Meeting of the suggested Essex Dahlia Society held at the ‘Rose and Crown’ Chelmsford on Wednesday 24 April 1968.

No. in attendance : Nineteen

 Elected to Office:

Chairman:       L.P. Cleaver

                                Secretary:          P.W. Liggins

 Steering Committee:       Messrs.  Holland, Sharp, Green,                                                                                      Chester, Pavitt, Wright, Foster and Bowley.


Annual subscription to be 10/6d

Affiliated Societies            21/0d


The Chairman to advise ‘Garden News’ as to the outcome of this meeting.

Suggested that the Society be publicised by means of posters to be distributed to various Societies throughout the  County.

 Objects of the Society

  1.  To liaise with Societies within the County on matters relating to dahlias.
  2.  To give advice on schedule compilation and vet same if  required.
  3.  Provide speakers for smaller Societies.
  4.  Provide a panel of judges for smaller Societies.
  5.  Possibility of publications i.e. Newsletters and Bulletins.

Steering Committee

To meet prior to Monday 15th July 1968, to discuss and form Constitution and Rules in comparison with the National Dahlia Society and other specialist Societies.

The Secretary to endeavour to endeavour to obtain information from other Societies re the above.

Mr. Chester to endeavour to book the room for this meeting.

Working Committee

It was agreed that to enable as many specialist Societies as possible to have representation on this committee, that the  election of such committee would take place at a General Meeting to be held on or before 15th July 1968.  The position of Treasurer is also to be filled at this meeting.

                                                        Sgd.  P.W. Liggins
